KeyperPlus HSM
Hardware Security

DNSSEC Solutions
DNSSEC Security


mPay -
A secure online payment gateway service

PCI DSS Compliant

About Us


In today's mobile economy, the big gap between HQ backend information system and onsite field staff presents an enormous access barrier. While the Internet provides a ubiquitous network for a fascinated array of browser based desktop applications running online, the mobile onsite staff do not enjoy the same benefits as their wire-line counterparts. To your mobile personnel, the familiar last mile problem is yet to be solved effectively. With the advent of GSM, 3G and the 4G mobile communications standard, MobileTech Ltd. provides the mobile Suite of solutions - mSuite, for different industries (mLogistics, mBanking, mInsurance, mInventory, mBills) to bridge the information GAP.

Established in 2002, MobileTech is a solution and service provider with the mission to provide a secure platform and service for e-Commerce and m-Commerce to end users in the Greater China region.

Together with our competence in eCommerce, Security, RFID and networking experience, we can provide cost-effective solutions to our clients in different sectors.

- We starts mPay online payment gateway service ( ) since June 2006.

- MobileTech Limited is an Active Supplier of IT professional services to Hong Hong Government departments.